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Production and sales status and product structure analysis of China's stainless steel industry

Source:WUXI Oumeidei Metal Products Co., Ltd     Time:02 December 2021

Production and sales status and product structure analysis of China's stainless steel industry in 2021, both production and sales increased steadily.


Since 2018, the task of eliminating backward production capacity in the stainless steel industry has entered a crucial period. Under the impetus of the state, all localities and enterprises have vigorously promoted the work of banning non-compliant medium (industrial) frequency furnaces and accelerated the elimination of backward production capacity.


Dai Nan, the "difficult problem" of stainless steel industry, has made significant progress in eliminating backwardness, and more than 200 non-compliant enterprises have been completely shut down; Small smelting, small rolling mill and small pickling in Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places have been shut down; Southwest Stainless entered bankruptcy proceedings; East bankruptcy reorganization was initially completed; Liugang acquired Zhongjin Metal; Baosteel stainless steel stopped production, relocated, transformed and optimized Germany's rich capacity.


Simultaneous growth of production and sales


As a big steel country, China's stainless steel industry occupies an important position in the world. According to the data released by the International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF), in 2020, the output of stainless steel crude steel in Chinese mainland will be 30.14 million tons, up 2.51% year on year. The output of stainless steel in Europe was 6.323 million tons, down 7.1% year on year. The output of stainless steel in the United States was 2.144 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 17.3%. The hot rolling output of stainless steel in Japan decreased by 18.6% to 217.2% year-on-year.


In terms of share change, the proportion of China's stainless steel production in the world will increase from 56.3% in 2019 to 59.2% in 2020. The share of Europe dropped from 13.0% in 2019 to 12.4%, and that of the United States dropped from 5.0% in 2019 to 4.2%.


Stainless steel production in China has a history of 40 years. China's sustained and rapid economic growth is conducive to the sustained growth of stainless steel production and processing industry. In recent years, the output of stainless steel has increased year by year. In 2020, the output of stainless steel crude steel in China will reach 30.14 million tons, an increase of 740,000 tons compared with 2019, with a year-on-year increase of 2.5%.