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Stainless steel flat steel

Stainless steel angle steel is a long strip of steel that is perpendicular to each other on both sides.
  • product description

  Stainless steel angle steel is a long strip of steel that is perpendicular to each other on both sides.

  There are equilateral stainless steel angle and unequal stainless steel angle.

  Equilateral stainless steel angles are stainless steel angles with long sides that are perpendicular to each other.

  The two sides are equal in width. Its specifications are expressed in mm of side width × side width × side thickness. For example, “∠25 × 25 × 3” means an equilateral stainless steel angle with a side width of 25 mm and a side thickness of 3 mm.

  Stainless steel angle steel can be composed of various stressed components according to the needs of different structures, and can also be used as a connection between components. It is widely used in various building structures and engineering structures, such as house beams, bridges, transmission towers, lifting and transportation machinery, ships, industrial furnaces, reaction towers, container racks and warehouse shelves.

  Stainless steel angle steel is a carbon structural steel for construction. It is a section steel with a simple cross-section. It is mainly used for metal components and plant frames. It requires good weldability, plastic deformation performance and certain mechanical strength in use. The raw material billets for the production of stainless steel angles are low-carbon square billets, and the finished stainless steel angles are delivered in hot rolled form, normalized or hot rolled.

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