Home > Products > 2. Hot Rolled Stainless Steel Plate > 904 904L Stainless Steel Plate

904 904L Stainless Steel Plate

904 904L Stainless Steel Plate Super austenitic stainless steel of low carbon and high nickel, molybdenum austenitic stainless and acid-resistant steel, for the introduction of France h · S the company's proprietary material.

  • product description

    Product Details

    Properties Of 904 904L Stainless Steel Plate :

    ---a good change activation-deactivation capabilities, excellent corrosion resistance, non-oxidizing acids such as sulfuric acid, acetic acid, formic acid, phosphoric acid and has good corrosion resistance, in the neutral medium containing chloride ions has a good resistance to pitting, has a good resistance to crevice corrosion and stress corrosion performance.



    ---Applies to 70 ℃ the following kinds of concentrated sulfuric acid at atmospheric pressure under any concentration, temperature of acetic acid and formic acid and acetic acid corrosion resistance is also very good.



    904 904L Stainless Steel Plate



    Chemical Composition %


    Yied strength/Mpa

    Tensile strength/Mpa

    Elongation %




    C≤0.02Mn≤2.00Si≤1.00P≤0.045S≤0.035Cr 19.0~23.0,Ni 23~28,Mo 4~5,Ni 23~28,Cu 1.0~2.0

    Annealed,hot rolled/cold rolled













    * Petroleum and petrochemical equipment, petrochemical equipment in the reactor.



    * Sulfuric acid storage and transportation equipment, such as heat ex-changers, and so on.



    * Power plant flue gas desulfurization equipment, mainly using parts: absorber Tower, flue, stall doors, trim, sprinkler systems, etc.



    * Organic acid scrubber and the fans in the system.



    * Sea-water treatment plant, seawater heat ex-changers Equipment for the paper industry, sulfuric acid and nitric acid equipment, pharmaceutical industry of sulfuric acid and other chemical equipment, pressure vessels, food equipment.



    * Pharmaceutical factory: centrifuge, reactor, and so on.



    * Plant foods: soy sauce pots, cooking wine, salt shakers, equipment and dressing.

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